Location: ART hub
Welcome to Eilee’s Art Salon. This page is the main ART hub for all things visual-arts on this site. There are 3 main categories: Galleries, Lessons, and About, represented in the center column below.
Under the Galleries category, there are 3 media (in the right column below): Paint, Draw, and Photo. Lessons contains an index of posts on various art lessons. The About category includes a page on Eilee’s Ethos and another for FAQ, these offer information about the artist’s background and philosophy.
If you poke around in the ART category, you just might find an Easter egg….
UPDATE: I’ve created new painting, drawing, and photography galleries so far, using a new-to-me plugin after much research and process of elimination, and it’s graduated from its trial basis on this and another site. My host keeps blacklisting the old plugin when it merely needs updating. Enough.
Also, here’s Eilee’s ABOUT page, her FAQ, check out her LESSONS, or see about SHOWS.

These days I’m not pursuing shows; they’re not very cost-effective when you factor in the grueling labor of setup and teardown and travel/transport of fragile things, and after a sudden overnight storm in one in Austin imploded my tent, damaged some of my work and scattered work of other artists across the compound, I decided instead to work on commission and show in local galleries occasionally…but here’s something from the past about a local show:
About the images in the header of this page (somewhat in order): Catreedral, a couple of shots of me at shows at the old Carla Wright Gallery and former location of CORE gallery (both Denver); “Wintree”; developing paint swatches for parts of the Israel series; a montage of shots of me drawing, painting and showing in high school, university, and the art institute; installations at CW Gallery and the Downtown Denver Arts Festival; “Alchemistree”; and me working alternately on “Garden of Gethsemane” and “Sea of Galilee”.
All content on this site © 2013-2020/present L. Eilee S. George; all rights reserved.