New Music Page!

This is just a little announcement that I’ve come along enough in my musicianship and singing to feel worthy of performing publicly (at small venues), and that means I should add a MUSIC page to my site. I’ve already played some small gigs, have more in the works, and designed and started handing out business cards. I waited to put the music page in the menu tabs at first, because its content was early in development, but now you can look at it here. [Subsequent note: the Music page has grown enough that I added a VIDEOS page as well!]

UkeNook4I want to thank my musician contacts, friends, blood/extended/in-law and church family members, art community, and others for the great encouragement I have received in developing my musical chops, thereby helping to make this little step happen. As I grow musically, I will periodically make blog posts, letting you all know how it’s going.

I also want to thank Claire Cleveland at the Denver Post for interviewing me at the Make Music festival, (an annual, worldwide summer-solstice event that started in France, spread to many world cities including Denver – sponsored by our own local Swallow Hill), as she partially quoted me and linked to my site on the online version of the article she wrote on the event – very classy of her to do. I really enjoyed the celebration, and I hope you all get a chance to attend Fête de la Musique, wherever you may be next year!

In designing some of my promo materials, I even generated/put a QR code leading to the new MUSIC page on my biz card, along with a wee image of my fluffy Yeti cat guarding one of my growing collection of ukes (it’s cropped from this version) so here’s a gratuitous something cute to look at:

So in addition to painting, designing web sites, doing a lot of outreach and volunteer work, assembling various manuscripts (slowly), playing uke and singing, I’ve been writing a ton of songs, and converting a fair amount of my old poetry into songs; it’s going better than I ever dreamed it would. My repertoire of covers is growing steadily and covering a nice variety of genres. And it’s fun.

EileeUkePortrait2No worries, artwork is still a big focus in my life, and I am currently working on a series based on my trip last year to Israel. After it is finished, I have a couple more series waiting in the wings. There will be plenty of paintings and prints to come. I just wish I didn’t have to waste so much time sleeping! Thank you for visiting. 🙂

– Eilee







All content on this site © 2013-2018/present L. Eilee S. George; all rights reserved.

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Cape Town, South Africa